Monday, December 24, 2018

Christmas 2018.

Christmas to me is always a random thought. Ever since i was a child, Christmas is Christ's birthday, thanksgiving with families and relatives, gift giving and exchanging gifts, food galore and going to church with ny grandma.
The digital age enhances the celebrations with wine, getting giddy, skypes and videocams with siblings and friends abroad. It is still random in my thoughts!
Through the years, (roughly 33 years now) my Christmasses were not happy celebrations... they reminded me with being alone. I used to spend Christmas with friends' and or siblings' families but my own.
I was given a wonderful chance to have two families of my own with two marriages and Christmasses in those years (1974-1989 & 1996-2013). They were happy, fun and always full of thanksgiving and gratitude for a year that was!
Today, I celebrate Christmas at random. Any time of the year is Christmas and #givingissharing is giving of your #time, #talents, #skills, #money, #fun, #happiness, #peace, life's #abundance, #gratitude.
Make every day a Christmas Day to celebrate that #LifeIsGreat #LoveIsMagical #PeaceIsALifestyle #KindnessMakesYouABeautifulPerson #HappinessIsAPersonalChoice #AbundanceIsMine #GratitudeAttitude #Serendipity.

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