Tuesday, September 17, 2024

MCIA’s PWD-friendly amenities earns Level 1 Accessibility Accreditation

CEBU CITY – The Mactan-Cebu International Airport (MCIA) earned a Level 1 Accessibility Accreditation from the Airports Council International (ACI) for its PWD-friendly amenities in support of Persons-With-Disabilities (PWD) Travel.

“Travel should be a privilege, not a burden. Which is why we designed PWD-friendly amenities that cater to PWDs and their families,” Aboitiz InfraCapital GMR Megawide Cebu Airport Corporation, Chief Executive Officer, Athanasios Titonis said.

Titonis added that one of the pioneering advancements done in the Philippine airport community is the integration of sliding doors in PWD-friendly restrooms, emergency push buttons, and designated seating areas to ensure comfort and convenience for all travelers.

MCIA’s PWD-friendly amenities also include wheelchair assistance, PWD washrooms, ramp passageway and lift, reserved seats, and priority call during boarding in both terminals. The amenities also comply with the Accessibility Law (Batas Pambansa Bilang 344), adhering to the standards and dimensions for vanities, grab bars, and water closet heights.

“Part of the airport’s commitment to safety is to ensure accessible travel for all. "We do this by complying with global travel standards and getting input from the PWD community before upgrading our facilities. Ricia Montejo, Head of Customer Experience, Aboitiz InfraCapital GMR Megawide Cebu Airport Corporation said.

It is a community that collaborates to enhance MCIA’s facilities making them more inclusive for everyone.  MCIA also holds a yearly forum with PWD groups to get insights on how to enhance travel experience for PWD travelers. (Photos: MCIA FB)


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