Sunday, October 20, 2013

Thoughts before I sleep, October 20, 2013

Today's thoughts before I sleep: 

Let me thank my PIA7 staff especially those from Bohol--Rey, Elvie, Yboy and Junjun for continuously sending SMS which I turned into tweets that are being followed, retweeted, mentioned, and favorited by the global/virtual community whose numbers I may never know.

May I commend Elvie for standing by at the Tagbilaran City operation center where she gets and sourced out information, situation and updates from all over the towns in Bohol.

Rey, for making tweets/info that lead, guide many teams to access roads, routes and footbridges so that help, relief and rescue are dispatched at least with his first hand experience.

Rey's training as a professional tour guide are reflected on his tweets and, SMS or information on where to pass, detour or what kind of transport best suited for a particular track.

He tweets new routes, dangers of roadslips and landslides, unsafe roads and bridges, as well as the relief needs of people affected by the quake and the indomitable spirit of responders and volunteers.

As I composed these information into official leads/tweets, I imagined myself in those routes, roads, bridges, dangers, death.

It was like a movie I played in my mind...a landscape of vast, massive destruction with children, women, and people against the backdrop of dust, mud, shambles, rubbles and heroism.

I could almost feel the eerie silence of a place that Rey described in his tweets and I could see him in a huddle with his wife and children one rainy night inside their tent perched outside his house that the quake destroyed in half.

This is the image I want to leave you tonight from one of Rey's tweets:

"Rains come tonight, forcing scattered sleeping mats to huddle under one tent as quake fail to break our oneness."

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