Sunday, June 18, 2023

Through the Lens: "PWDE All" caravan showcases skills of PWDs

LOOK: The persons with disabilities (PWDs) who are trainees at DSWD's Area Vocational Rehabilitation Center II (AVRC II) participated in the Persons with Disabilities Engagement Alliance (PWDE ALL) Caravan of Services held on June 17 at Plaza Sugbo, Cebu City.

The Junior Chamber International (JCI) Cebu Chapter, a cause-oriented group that caters to the concerns and needs of persons with disabilities hosted and sponsored the event.

The caravan showcases the skills of AVRC II PWD trainees like baking, T-shirt printing and layout, and massage. Other JCI chapters like Sangju Korea, Malaysia, Davao and Iloilo also availed of the AVRC II services. (Photos: DSWD7-FB)

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