Monday, January 11, 2021

Three of 13 PMVICs for Central Visayas now open in Cebu


MANDAUE CITY – The Land Transportation Office (LTO-7) here in partnership with Rocket Cargo and Pink Gorilla officially opened three Private Motor Vehicle Inspection Centers (PMVICs) in CSSEAZ Reclamation and Alang-Alang in Mandaue City and another in Danao City on Monday, January 11 this year.

LTO-7 regional director Victor Emmanuel Caindec revealed that 13 PMVICs are set to open in Central Visayas this year and eight of these will be situated in Cebu.

The PMVICs are privately-owned automated vehicle inspection facilities that will not only check a vehicle’s compliance with emission standards but will also test its roadworthiness prior to registration.

Caindec said that the PMVIC in Carcar City which is operated by Road ReadyReady Inc. is ready to go online but still awaiting its Letter of Authority (LOA) from the Department of Transportation (DoTr).

 "Kani gu'ng awarding aning mga PMVIC naa man sa DOTr, so maghuwat me kon kanus-a me ma-advisan sa DOTr," Caindec said. (The awarding of these PMVICs is by the DoTr so we just wait for its advice.)

Caindec clarified that emission centers will not lose their businesses with the opening of this modern facility because large trucks and public utility vehicles will still avail of their services. 

There are two things that will happen, the emission center will continue to service large vehicles, trucks, in the interim while private vehicles once they go into the PMVIC, they don’t need emission tests in other places, everything is done here, he stated.

Caindec explained that unlike emission centers, PMVICs will transmit the results of the inspection to LTO online.  He revealed that in 2019 alone, around a million vehicles are already running in Central Visayas and all these must be inspected for road worthiness before they are registered with the LTO.

Mandaue City Mayor Jonas Cortes who attended the opening ceremony was grateful that two PMVICs opened in Mandaue City in one day.  "Definitely this will save the environment and save lives, ako ikapasalig sa mga operators sa maong facility nga ang Mandaue andam sa kanunayng motabang," said the Mayor. (I commit to the operators of these facilities that Mandaue will always be there to help.)

Cortes added that accidents happening now in the streets of Cebu can be minimized with the operations of these inspection centers which can accommodate 200 vehicles per day and rates for four-wheel vehicles are at P1,800 while motorcycles are at P600.

Rocket Cargo and Pink Gorilla Vice-President and Chief Operating Officer Christian Michael Tiongko with other officials of the company were present during the opening ceremony.

The plan for Motor Vehicle Inspection System (MVIS) has been mapped out as early as12 years ago, and it is only during the Duterte Administration, that it has been formally realized and implemented, according to DOTr Chief of Staff and Assistant Secretary for Procurement and Project Implementation Giovanni Lopez in a DoTr FB page post.

PMVICs for the LTO is needed to ensure the roadworthiness of vehicles and to prevent the occurrence of road-related accidents.  The DoTr said that privatization of motor vehicle inspection centers will help the LTO implement Memorandum Circular No. RTL0MC-02402.

The private motor vehicle inspection centers will come into three classes, specializing in inspecting light-duty vehicles and motorcycles. The third class is the mobile MVIS category to serve remote areas. (Photos: LTO-7/Herty Lopez)

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