Tuesday, January 26, 2021

PRSP to hold its 27th PR Congress in February, expands network in VisMin area


CEBU CITY --The Public Relations Society of the Philippines (PRSP), the country’s premier association of PR and communications professionals will be holding the biggest and most-awaited annual event, the National Public Relations Congress on February 17-19, first to go fully digital and first to run for three days to adapt to the new normal and embrace new technologies to continue telling the story of brands and organizations.

According to Ana Pista, chairperson of the 27th National Public Relations Congress that the 2021 PR Congress carries the theme “Transcend” with topics for discussion include post-pandemic Philippine PR landscape; industry recovery efforts and pressing issues such as mental health in the workplace; resiliency and sustainability, equality and diversity; and leadership and communication during times of crises, among others.

“As the PR Congress has done since it started, we are bringing together a powerhouse roster of local and international speakers and delivering a lineup of timely and relevant topics and breakout sessions this year.  The Congress will highlight the role of PR in building a society that works for all,” Pista said.

PRSP expects to welcome more than 1,000 PR and communications practitioners to the Congress and hopes to inspire them to go beyond conventional thinking, step out of their comfort zone to address pressing issues and collectively move forward to create a better normal for all.

In another development, the PRSP wants to expand its network in the Visayas and Mindanao with the creation of regional chapters to provide more avenues for collaboration and learning through shared knowledge, technology, training and best PR practices.

PRSP former president Jones Campos said that to have PRSP chapters in Cebu, Davao and other key cities in the Philippines opens more opportunities and integrate a common aspiration to professionalize the industry.

“It will enable a nationwide way of combating fake news, disinformation and misinformation while inculcating competence and ethical practice among PR and communications professionals,” Campos added.

The new chapters will be created initially through the partnership with VisMin PR agencies such as PRWorks, Selrahco and Bigseed.  Jaja Chiongbian-Rama, Founder and Managing Director of Bigseed gladly accepted the idea of having a PRSP chapter in Cebu.

"We welcome this opportunity to connect and collaborate with other agencies and practitioners from around the country. With public relations evolving as the world around us changes, an organization such as the PRSP opens opportunities to set industry standards and provides an avenue for us to support and learn from one another,” Chiongbian-Rama said.

The same sentiment is echoed by Doris Mongaya of PRWorks, saying that the creation of regional chapters will result in greater cooperation of VisMin-based PR professionals among themselves and their Metro Manila counterparts which would lead to the faster development of the whole Philippine PR industry.



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