Sunday, September 23, 2012

Medellin Trip 4: Flying over sugar cane fields & hills

Caputatan Norte, a barangay in Medellin where one can do a "tarzan" jump and a "twin zip" through sets of cables certified to be safe and brawny officers on hand to assist and assuage one's fears of height and long jump!

According to Edward, it is in barangay Caputatan Norte where the highest point in Medellin is located.  
At, this place was "initially meant for a religious shrine but mayor Ricky, being young and adventurous established an eco-adventure tourism facility instead.  

Today thousands of local and foreign visitors experience "flying" over sugarcane fields and hills at Caputatan Norte.

To get some adrenalin rush and a bit of adventure for the locals, Medellin LGU put up this facility for twin zipline and "tarzan" jump 4-5 years ago.  Zipline is P50/pax  while the Tarzan jump costs P75/pax.  

Vit and Jo were still contemplating whether to try any of the adventure.  Ed and Gay were braved enough to do the "twin zip"  but "chickened" on the Tarzan jump!
AGIO-7 president, Ed Llamedo and DAR-PARO Information officer Gay Visitacion enjoyed the ride.
(photo by: Clifford Gairanod)
 The place is also ideal for friends, families and groups for fun, adventure, or just plain relaxation enjoying the green, clean and fresh air at the countryside.

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